Author name: Jen

Jen is a traveler, blogger, adventurer, yogi, and curious mind.

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Reading Time: 13 minutessmall but mighty country. It was sad to say goodbye to Spain, I had an incredible time and explored unknown […]

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ABOUT island TIME.

Reading Time: 10 minutesa little bit of everything. From sun-soaked beaches and rugged mountains to vibrant nightlife, rich history, and captivating art, the

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Reading Time: 9 minutesvale. Vale has many different meanings in Spanish. In Spain, it means OK. It can also be translated into worth,

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Here we go again.

Reading Time: 7 minutesComfort in the uncomfortable. I have always loved change. I constantly rearranged my bedroom as a kid. In my professional

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The career essentials.

Reading Time: 6 minutesTalent. There are many things in this world I am naturally good at. Keeping my new years’ resolutions, dancing my

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Nicaragua is GRAVY.

Reading Time: 11 minutesSurrounded by water. Nicaragua is a beautiful country. It is not only the largest country in Central America, but it

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Mexico reUNION.

Reading Time: 13 minutesBienvenidos de nuevo. I lost track of how many times I have been to Mexico. My first trip to Mexico

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hOLA from el salvador.

Reading Time: 9 minutesSmall but mighty. When you think of Central America, you likely don’t think of El Salvador. It is the smallest

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SLINGin in singapore.

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe rich uncle. This is the best way for me to describe Singapore, the rich uncle in the family. Most

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LAOS of love.

Reading Time: 5 minutesQuick trip. In order to stay in Thailand for longer than 30 days, I needed to leave and come back

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ANGKORed into cambodia.

Reading Time: 6 minutesKhmer time. Before this trip, I knew very little about Cambodia. I didn’t even know what language they spoke. Embarrassing.

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Greece OUZOs with charm.

Reading Time: 6 minutesBetter late than never. Greece is a popular destination for many Americans and surprisingly I had never been until this

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I SEA you malta.

Reading Time: 5 minutesA mystery island. Embarrassing to admit, before I started planning my venture around the Mediterranean, I didn’t know about a

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ParTEA in Morocco.

Reading Time: 7 minutesNorth Africa. On this sabbatical, I am trying to go to countries I have not been to yet (a few

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FalaFULL of joy

Reading Time: 8 minutesWhat would jesus do. I grew up Christian. My family went to church every Sunday (followed by Arbys, Pizza Hut

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A LA CARTagena

Reading Time: 9 minutesLast minute change of plans. My original plan was to head to the Middle East after the yoga retreat and

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Reading Time: 5 minutesAll smiles. As I boarded the bus to head to the capital city of Quito, I was nothing but smiles.

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SOLita en montanita.

Reading Time: 4 minutesA surfer’s heaven. Montanita is located on the western coast of Ecuador about three hours by bus from Guayaquil. It

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GalapaGO there.

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe journey was really something. To get from Puerto Natales to the Galapagos Islands requires four flights and about 24

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Here we go.

Reading Time: 2 minutesBags are packed. I am about to embark on a new adventure of world travel and will use this blog

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