About me

Hi! I am Jennifer. Most people call me Jen. My family and childhood friends call me Jennie. My college friends call me BJ. Some of you might know me well where some may be strangers asking who I am and what I know.
Things I know.
I am not a writer. I am not a travel expert. I am adventurous, I am intentional, I am observant. I will try anything once. I hate olives. I don’t do well without eight hours of sleep. The world is round. I take way too many photos that I will never look back at. Anxiety is a real thing. I cherish my close relationships. I try not to care about what other people think of me, but I do. I love yoga. I quit my job to travel and experience life while I am youngish and able.
Things I do not know.
I don’t know how long my travels will last. Whether I am funny. Where I want to live long term. Who will win the heart of the next bachelorette. How to break bad habits. How to drive a stick shift. How to properly articulate my emotions when it matters the most. How to sleep on planes, trains or automobiles. I don’t know how to code. I don’t know why bucket hats have made a comeback. I do not know how to write a blog, so keep your expectations low.
Where I came from.
I grew up in Michigan, went to college in Illinois, became an adult in New York, relocated to Seattle and found a love of all things mountains. I sold everything I own and do not have a permanent zip code. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and a friend of so many amazing people. In late 2022, I left my corporate job as a program manager in university recruiting and follow my sense of wander. After over a decade of a desk job and a steady paycheck, I traded that in for an aisle seat and a budget spreadsheet. It is one of the biggest risks I have ever taken, but one that I will never forget. It changed my life in more ways than I ever thought!
Where I am going.
I have been thinking about a life full of adventure for many years. After taking a voluntary lay-off from Amazon in December 2022, it was perfect timing to begin my adventure. I started in South America for a few months, made my way to several Mediterranean countries, bounced over to Africa and Middle East briefly, continued to east to explore all of South East Asia, then flew to Australia and finally ending my trip in Central America. Yes that is six continents in 12 months which seems aggressive, but I wanted to see the world while I can. I am writing this blog to share my journey with friends and family as well as look back one day and remember the amazing year I had.
As of August 2024 I am back on the road starting with Spain. I just completed the Camino de Santiago (Camino Frances trail), a 500 mile well-known pilgrimage through the country, to challenge myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
My next adventure is South America. While I have been to many countries, there is always more to discover! I start in Uruguay and the rest is to be determined. I will continue to write blogs, share my journey through pictures, and expand my global network. I hope you enjoy it!
What I am doing.
I am continuing my nomadic lifestyle, but this time with a purpose. I will be consulting (see Career Essentials tab for more information) and teaching yoga whenever and wherever I can.
Yoga has profoundly transformed my life, and my greatest hope is to share its beauty with others. I have deepened my understanding of yoga’s ancient wisdom and its ability to heal and uplift. No matter where I am or the challenges I face while traveling, yoga remains a steady grounding force. It is a universal language. From serene mountain hikes to bustling city streets, I seek to cultivate inner peace and mindfulness. I constantly look for ways to invite others to join in the practice of self-discovery and holistic well-being.